Challenge Your Narrative

Have you heard the story of Roger Bannister? In May of 1954, Bannister became the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes. Many athletes considered this to be the Holy Grail of achievements. Runners had tried for decades to beat the four minute mile, but no one could conquer it. In fact, doctors didn’t believe a human body could actually run that fast. Some experts believed it could be done, but only under the right circumstances (68 degree weather, no wind, hard/dry track). It became just as much a mental challenge as a physical one. The more athletes that failed, the more impossible the task seemed.

It was a cold, rainy day when Bannister broke the four-minute barrier. Not only did Bannister beat the record, but he proved to the world that anything is possible. Do you know how long his record stood for? 46 days. Something that seemed impossible, that people had failed to do for decades, now was attainable. Once he proved it could be done, Bannister’s record was broken again and again.

Bannister’s accomplishment proves the power of mental barriers. The narrative previously spoken over Bannister was this: runners cannot physically run a 4 minute mile; even if one could do it, the circumstances had to be exactly perfect; everyone before him failed, so why is he any different? Bannister chose not to believe the narrative. He chose to look beyond the barriers and focus on the goal.

Part of my job as a financial coach is to help people identify self-destructing narratives. Have you ever thought the following: I’ll never get ahead because I don’t make enough money. It’s impossible to pay off debt when you’re single. I will always have a car payment because I need a reliable car. These are just a couple narratives I hear on a regular basis.

I have the privilege of talking with people everyday about their personal finances, and what I’ve discovered is this: Successful people will find a way, everyone else will find an excuse. That’s right, the main obstacle challenging your success is whether or not you believe you can succeed. A lot of successful people have messy backstories, but they fought through the narratives and believed they could change. What narratives are standing in your way of financial freedom?

It’s important to remember that Bannister didn’t wake up that morning in May and just decide to run really fast. He didn’t accidentally break the four minute mile. Bannister set a goal and worked really hard. He was focused, intentional, and disciplined. You won’t accidentally become a millionaire. You won’t wake up one morning to find all your debts miraculously paid off. You have to put in the work in order to achieve the desired result.

You can change the outcome of your story. All you need to do is start.

